Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Smash Prelude

Some of my best gaming memories come from when a friend or two and I back when we were little noobs together would just smash it out in the original Super Smash Brothers and Super Smash Brothers Melee. We lived in ignorant bliss thinking we were pros at a game rolling around the screen, little did we know the game had so much more potential. In around 2006 I started watching youtube videos of Ken and Isai duking it out, at speeds that I thought were unbelieveable. After seeing these videos and attempting to emulate their speed, I truly began to understand just how great of a game SSBM was and how skillbased it was.

Then Brawl came, it did away with all of the tactics that made a person considered good in melee, favoring a more new player friendly approach, and offering less character balance. The new game made a rift in the smash community about half the players went to brawl and half continue to play melee. Because brawl is ridiculously bad, my goals lie in melee. I am giving myself three months to become the best Smash player in the state, this will be a difficult task, but luckily I know the presiding state champion and he lives in close proximity so I will be able to test my skill multiple times.

My skill as of now, while sufficient to beat the average player, is nowhere near that which I would need to be the best player in the state, so I must practice on my technical ability before I can even pretend to focus on mindgames.

A lot of people probably don't understand just how technical of a game SSBM is, most characters require at high levels of play, players to constantly SHFFL and wavedash around the screen.

In an effort to help others learn how to play proficiently, it is important to learn each of the techniques in the follwing videos. Many of these techniques require a great deal of practice, and most of them I can only do around 80% of the time, while a good player should accomplish them around 99% of the time.

Advance How to Play Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n4s5yB7ZkE
Advanced How to Play Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiZLs2doK8E&feature=related
Advanced How to Play Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFmGIOcWdsM&feature=related
All videos made by Wak017.

After playing around four hours a day for the past three or so days my thumbs are pretty blistered, and I see that my play clearly needs some work. I am consistently losing to my friend a Falco/Sheik player that is around the 10th best in the state.

I am also having a hard time deciding which character to main, I am proficient with Doc, Marth, Peach and decent with Fox, Link, and Ice Climbers. So hopefully soon I will decide.


  1. Awesome. Good luck on your challenge. I will definitely stay tuned for this one.

  2. Dude, I didn't really like Into the Wild; the main character was too conceited in order for me to achieve any form of empathy. I liked the message that friends and family and that a life is made in interaction, because I believe he coine a significant part of happiness. You NEED to see There Will Be Blood. That is the best movie I have ever seen. I think.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you didn't like Into the Wild, I still just find the idea of letting go of the chains that bind us to society charming.

    I have seen There Will Be Blood, its very Citizen Kane-esque, Daniel Day Lewis does a very good job of immersing you in his character. Its fascinating to watch his performance carry the entire film. Lewis is definitely one of the greatest actors of our time. Its not an easy film to watch, the score and the ambience put the viewer on edge, while his character's actions and ambitions are completely alien to my own.

  4. I liked There will Be Blood but I don't think it was for the reasons the film inteded. The unintentional humor in that film was amazing.

  5. I drink your milkshake!!!

